Here are our templates closely related to Invoice Template Sole Trader.
The template has no tax set by default (the tax cells are hidden and not printable). With Invoice Manager for Excel installed, you can easily change it to one tax or two taxes, depending on your particular needs. Simply click the Settings button on the ribbon tab, and then go to the Taxes tab, choose your tax type (no tax, one tax, two taxes), enter the tax name such as VAT, and the rate, click Apply and you are done! With this flexibility, we can say this template is not only suitable for freelancer, limited company and also sole trader, whether they are VAT-registered or not.
This simple invoice template is suitable for printing on papers with letterhead. It contains both a "Bill To" and a "Ship To" sections, categorized as sales invoice template. The 4 columns on the detail section are Quantity, Description, Price and Amount.
Below the customer section there are fields for you to input various invoicing-related information, including purchase order#, sales rep. name, shipping date, shipping method, payment term, due date. Again, if you don't need to have one or more fields to appear on your billing form, you can easily move them out of the printable area.
As one of the member countries of the EU (European Union), the rules on German VAT registrations, returns and compliance are based on European Union EU VAT Directives which German has transposed into its VAT Act. This free invoicing sample in Excel and PDF format follows the German VAT compliance rules. It charges MwSt VAT tax at 19% by default.
Now let's see how we can customize an existing invoicing design, in this case c4051 Simple Invoicing Template - Discount Amount Field, so that it can be printed on a half of the set paper size. You may like to see other simple customizing tutorials that deals with printing of invoices too, such as c4052 Simple Invoice Format - Changing Paper Size and c4053 Simple Invoice Design - Changing Print Orientation. It is also possible on a single 8.5 inch X 11 inch page to print two duplicate copies of 8.5 X 5.5 invoices, see c4067 Invoice Design with Two Invoices per Page for a sample , so that for example you can send one copy to the client, and send the another copy to your accountant department for bookkeeping. Also refer to printable Print Shop Bill Format, where you can find a printable billing form designed for print shop.
The template has two taxes set on the bottom of the form, GST and PST. You can modify the tax names and rates easily by simply type in what meets your suitation once the spreadsheet is unprotected. If you need only one tax or need no tax, install UIS, and modify the taxing rules by several simple mouse clicks.
The taxable checkboxes were removed completely, assuming all the products are taxable, no matter whether the Taxable option is checked or not for each product. This avoids an occasionally happened mistake when a taxable product or item must be manually entered on the invoice body, as the Taxable checkbox is not checked by default. The template implements this feature by deleting all the Taxable checkboxes and assigning a value of 1 (TRUE) to all the oknTaxable cells located in the hidden column C.
First, it is always recommended to back up the template that you want to modify. This allows you to easily go back to the original version if you need to start again. You can also back up partially before any major changes in case you are unsure of what to do next. To make a backup, simply copy the Excel workbook file in Windows Explorer; or open the template as usual and execute the "Save As" command in Excel.
Two custom fields, Company and Fax#, are added to the "Bill To" section.
This bill template is a revisited version of c4017 Consulting Invoice Template (2nd Sample of Customization). While it is still a simple invoice template, we've added a background image to make it beautiful and unique.
Below the logo image is the section for you to detail your personal / business information, including business name, address, contact information, email and web site address etc. If you are a licensed tutor, it is a good idea to show this fact here. If you collect taxes, the tax# for your business should be added here too. Consulting a taxation professor at your local area for the requirements regarding taxing on invoices or bills. To set the taxing options with Invoice Manager for Excel, clicking the "Settings" button on the "Invoice" ribbon tab, and then go to the "Taxes" tab. By default, this template has two taxes set, GST and PST. Whenever you click the "Clear & New" button to the invoice form ready for creating a new invoice, the tax names and rates will be filled with the default values set on the "Settings" window.